You Make Our Ideas Come to Life —
Become a Supporter of the Murphy Foundation
This e-Newsletter highlights some examples of the considerable progress that we've made in 2014. This body of work is the product of smart investment in specific areas of research and education that hold the greatest promise. While grants and contracts fund some of our work, our needs cannot be met without the individual gifts that you make to support us. You make our ideas come to life. You enable us to Discover, to Educate. With each tax-deductible dollar that you generously invest in the Murphy Foundation, we move ahead — ever closer to the goal of living the longest and healthiest that we can. To each of you, let me say how grateful we are to serve you in this pursuit. To make your online, tax-deductible donation, click here.
Best Holiday Wishes,
David J. Waters, DVM, PhD
The Gerald P. Murphy Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit research organization.