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Ways to DonateAs a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, the Gerald P. Murphy Cancer Foundation receives several types of support from a wide variety of donor sources. Our donors include individuals, government bodies, charitable foundations, public and private corporations. Additionally, the Foundation is supported by research grants and contracts from agencies that fund biomedical research. Donors make gifts by several different means including cash/check, credit card, appreciated stock, corporate employee match programs, long-term pledges, deferred gifts, and memorials. To make a designated or unrestricted gift now, please click here. Depending upon the level of specificity desired by the donor, gifts can be targeted for particular projects or can be unrestricted, supporting the general work of the Foundation. Listed below are some of the areas of research currently supported by our donors: Cancer Prevention2 Steps Ahead™The Foundation’s program on research and education in cancer prevention. Whereas early detection of cancer through screening — such as the PSA blood test or mammography — keeps you one step ahead of a diagnosis of advanced cancer, cancer avoidance through prevention keeps you two steps ahead of lethal cancer. 2 Steps Ahead supports our basic science research, human cancer prevention trials, and efforts to increase awareness and advocacy through education. Aging and Cancer Prevention ResearchResearch to better understand the link between aging and cancer. Particular emphasis is on understanding how lifestyle factors, particularly dietary changes, can reduce cancer risk. This includes our studies on how selenium and other nutrients influence the accumulation of genetic damage within the aging prostate. Click for more information about Aging and Cancer Prevention Research and Old Grey Muzzle Tour. Supporters for the above include: Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program Cancer TreatmentPATH to Progress®“Putting man’s best friend on the trail of a killer” — an innovative cancer research program that puts pet dogs with naturally occurring cancer on a more central path to discovering lifesaving cancer treatments for people and pets. The goal is to accelerate progress in cancer treatment by rapidly moving the newest basic science ideas into practical applications that will save lives. Supporters for the above include: Arthur Vining Davis Foundations |